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Help Janet raise money

For participating in Hamilton Marathon Road2Hope

My Story…

I have volunteered with Sew on Fire for over 5 years. My goal is to raise $750 and beat my race time from last year. This run is their major fundraiser. Sew on Fire is run 100% by volunteers and distributes gift bags for men, women and children to over 90 countries. The contents of the gift bags are clothing, personal hygiene items, school supplies and baby layettes. Volunteers sew gift bags and children’s clothing, knit and crochet hats, mitts, scarves and baby blankets.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 11 Jackie Simmons $25.00
Oct 11 Sydney J. Harmon $25.00
Oct 11 Anand Sinha $50.00
Oct 11 Colin Gray $25.00