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Help Ethan raise money

For participating in Bay Area Human Race

My Story…

This is my first year on the Marin County Youth Commission, run by YLI, and I think that I have learned so many invaluable lessons from participating. First, the commission has connected me with other youth in the community who have similarly-motivated minds to create change for youth in our community. We work with the Marin Board of Supervisors, and inform them of what issues exist surrounding youth in Marin County. I have also learned from the leaders of the commission and other youth in it about how to organize groups, and go about creating positive change. Youth Leadership Institute is generally providing a voice for youth, which is very important to me, and I think in general for a community. So, I would appreciate if you could help out our cause for creating a voice for youth. Thanks!

Donate to help Ethan raise money for Bay Area Human Race’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 06 Brandon Brown $25.00
May 01 Deborah Strull $60.00
May 01 Joshua Levitas $5.00
Apr 21 Ethan Strull $25.00