Help Cathie raise money
For participating in BUFFALO SUPERHERO RACE
This user is not currently accepting donations
My Story…
When someone hears that you have cancer, they come running to help in anyway possible. When they hear that you have a mental illness they run the opposite way.
I have seen it all happen way to much in my own life. Mental Illness is one of thous illness that one cant get by giving a hug. Just imagine the difference a hour and a dollar can make!?
It doesn't take much- give up that Tim Horton's/Dunkin/Starbucks cup of coffee- and give it to The Buffalo Superhero Race. a little goes along way. It is the small things in life that make a difference. I got lucky, I found out about these programs later on in life and just in time. Only if I had the chance when I was younger, the difference my life would of been. There are more folks out there that need to feel that they have just hit the jackpot, & the only way that can be is by pledging today which goes to helping out the CASA program of the Mental Health Association & the mentoring programs of Compeer.
Don't delay pledge today!
Recent donors
Donation date |
Donor name |
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Joseph DiStasio
William Gajewski
Howard Hitzel