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Help Loola Mae (and Jane) raise money

For participating in 2017 Bay Area Human Race

My Story…

Hi folks. Jane and I can't wait to join other 2- and 4-legged villagers to do our bit to help raise funds for Marin Villages. You probably already know this is a BIG event - and one of the handful of ways we raise funds for the village each year. This is my first year trying this 5 kilometer business and I sure hope wandering, sniffing and stopping is allowed. If you can help out we love donations - of any amount. And if you are inclined, take a look at our other Marin Villages pals and donate to them as well. It all goes into the same village pot. Your donations makes a big difference in our ability to help our neighbors stay in their own homes, in their own community, and maintain active, independent lifestyles as we age together. So give as generously as you can. Good humans get more treats :-) Woof !!!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 15 Constance Dubin Undisclosed amount
Mar 08 Susan $25.00
Mar 06 A good human May you glide to the finish $400.00
Mar 05 Neighborhood pals Hope you get a lot of "treats" for this $100.00