New in 2017/ nouveau en 2017
*1/2 marathon
*Strollers will NOT be permitted/AUCUNE poussette permis
*10 k will be modified from the 2016 course since the bridge on the trail will be in placed /modification du 10 km en raison du nouveau pont
*The 5k course will be similar as 2016 with minor changes/petites modifications au 5km
We will be giving finisher medals to all finishers/tous les participants auront une médaille
May 7th /7 mai
5 K et 10 km walk/run
Fee: $ 35 (until April 7th)
$40 untill April 30th...
$50 after May 1st.
Cap #: 200 for each event
Event time: 8:45 AM
Place: In front of the school/en avant de l'école
May 7th
1/2 marathon
Fee: $ 45 until April 7th
$50 untill April 30th
$60 after May 1st
Cap #: 200
Event time: 8:00 AM
Place: Little Dover Rd
**Due to limited parking at the start of the half marathon, transportation will be available from Abbey Landry 6:30 to 7:15. Last chance for transportation at 7:15./En raison d'un stationnement limité, un moyen de transport sera disponible à partir de 6:30 à 7:15 de l'école Abbey Landry.
The race will be timed by Atlantic Chip with a gun start and a chip finish. The half marathon will be a fast downhill start with followed by rolling hills with the last section flat and on gravel trail. Pace should be good with a finish at a lower elevation than the start.The 5 and 10k will also have a negative elevation and mostly flat. Also note this that this event will be a good chance for family fun./Cette course va être chronométré par Atlantic Chip. Le début sera en décente, suivi d'une vallonnée et en terminant sur un parcours de gravel plat. Le rythme devrait être bon puisque la course termine en basse altitude. L'événement est pour avoir un plaisir en famille.
*lots of prizes/beaucoup de prix
*First place medals for category winners/médailles pour les catégories d'âges
*included: Event ShirtsUnisex t-shirt included in the 1/2 marathon and 5/10 K registration
Extra t-shirts can be ordered for $10 each/ il est possible de commander des extras t-shirts pour 10$
Please note t-shirt are not garanteed if you register after April 30/à noter qu'on ne peut pas garantir une t-shirt après le 30 avril
Race Kit Pickup
Abbey Landry School (432 Centrale Memramcook)
Time: May 6 from 1-5 PM./6 mai (13h-17h)
*1/2 marathon
*Strollers will NOT be permitted/AUCUNE poussette permis
*10 k will be modified from the 2016 course since the bridge on the trail will be in placed /modification du 10 km en raison du nouveau pont
*The 5k course will be similar as 2016 with minor changes/petites modifications au 5km
We will be giving finisher medals to all finishers/tous les participants auront une médaille
May 7th /7 mai
5 K et 10 km walk/run
Fee: $ 35 (until April 7th)
$40 untill April 30th...
$50 after May 1st.
Cap #: 200 for each event
Event time: 8:45 AM
Place: In front of the school/en avant de l'école
May 7th
1/2 marathon
Fee: $ 45 until April 7th
$50 untill April 30th
$60 after May 1st
Cap #: 200
Event time: 8:00 AM
Place: Little Dover Rd
**Due to limited parking at the start of the half marathon, transportation will be available from Abbey Landry 6:30 to 7:15. Last chance for transportation at 7:15./En raison d'un stationnement limité, un moyen de transport sera disponible à partir de 6:30 à 7:15 de l'école Abbey Landry.
The race will be timed by Atlantic Chip with a gun start and a chip finish. The half marathon will be a fast downhill start with followed by rolling hills with the last section flat and on gravel trail. Pace should be good with a finish at a lower elevation than the start.The 5 and 10k will also have a negative elevation and mostly flat. Also note this that this event will be a good chance for family fun./Cette course va être chronométré par Atlantic Chip. Le début sera en décente, suivi d'une vallonnée et en terminant sur un parcours de gravel plat. Le rythme devrait être bon puisque la course termine en basse altitude. L'événement est pour avoir un plaisir en famille.
*lots of prizes/beaucoup de prix
*First place medals for category winners/médailles pour les catégories d'âges
*included: Event ShirtsUnisex t-shirt included in the 1/2 marathon and 5/10 K registration
Extra t-shirts can be ordered for $10 each/ il est possible de commander des extras t-shirts pour 10$
Please note t-shirt are not garanteed if you register after April 30/à noter qu'on ne peut pas garantir une t-shirt après le 30 avril
Race Kit Pickup
Abbey Landry School (432 Centrale Memramcook)
Time: May 6 from 1-5 PM./6 mai (13h-17h)
Running Room
Time May 5 from 6-8 PM /5 mai de 6-8 PM
Kids race during the package pickup on May 6 where kids can have fun running/course pour enfants le 6 mai lorsque vous ramassez votre paquet de course
100 meters
Fee: $ 5 (until April 7th) Then 10$.
Age: 5 years old and under
Cap #: 100
Event time: 2 PM
Place: behind the arena (track and field)/derrière l'aréna
800 meters
Fee: $ 10 (until April 7th) Then 15$.
Age: 12 and under
Cap #: 100
Event time: 2:30
Place: behind the arena (track and field)/derrière l'aréna
*medals for every kid
Contact Information
For more information please contact Janice LeBlanc/ pour plus d'information, s'il vous plaît, contactez Janice LeBlanc:
Registration fees
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
Half Marathon(May 7) Closed
Online registration closed-
Coeurs Chaud-Warm Hearts
CA$45.00Sep 16 – Apr 7
CA$50.00Apr 8 – Apr 30
CA$60.00May 1 – May 5
10K (May 7) Closed
Online registration closed-
CA$35.00Sep 16 – Apr 7
CA$40.00Apr 8 – Apr 30
CA$50.00May 1 – May 5
5K (May7) Closed
Online registration closed-
Victor LeBlanc
CA$35.00Sep 16 – Apr 7
CA$40.00Apr 8 – Apr 30
CA$50.00May 1 – May 5
800M (May 6) Closed
Online registration closed-
CA$10.00Sep 16 – Apr 7
CA$15.00Apr 8 – May 5
100M(May 6) Closed
Online registration closed-
CA$5.00Sep 16 – Apr 7
CA$10.00Apr 8 – May 5
Event schedule
- Sat, May 6, 2017 2:00 PM - 100M
- Sat, May 6, 2017 2:30 PM - 800M
- Sun, May 7, 2017 8:00 AM - Half Marathon
- Sun, May 7, 2017 8:45 AM - 5K
- Sun, May 7, 2017 8:45 AM - 10K
Contact information
- Event contact
- Janice LeBlanc
- Phone
- +1 506-874-0822