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Toronto Zoo

Raise money for Toronto Zoo

The Toronto Zoo opened its gates to animal lovers in 1974. Since then, the global extinction rate has soared from one species per year to 1,095 per year. Some of the species housed at the Zoo no longer exist in the wild. As a result, Toronto Zoo now has a host of programs designed to save species from extinction.


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Recent Donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 16 Andrew Jeffery $50.00
May 16 Tara Gikizas $25.00
May 14 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 14 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 13 Narbe Alexandrian $5.00
May 12 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 11 Qihui Zhu $20.00
May 11 Kimberly Wilson $5.00
May 07 Marguerite Doyon $50.00
May 06 Bruce Lord Undisclosed amount