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Help Keith raise money

For participating in Essex Region Conservation Bike Tour

My Story…

Just as we are finishing up the last few great days of summer, Saturday, September 23. 2017, is the perfect time to go out for a ride and raise funds for our local trail system. Essex Region Conservation Bike Tour (formerly the Canada South Coast Bike Tour) incorporates all the last sights of summer, whether you're touring through picturesque country roads and along historic County Road 50, or meandering the off-road nature ride on the Chrysler Canada or Cypher Systems Group Greenways, this event has something for everyone. Six route options to choose from. Bring the kids out for the 15km Beginner Greenway Ride, or challenge your legs to the 104km Advanced Road Ride. Registration includes mechanical support from Infinity Cycle and lunch at Mettawas Station Mediterranean Restaurant as well rest stations along road routes. I am participating in this event, help me raise money and pledge!


All funds raised will go towards enriching the Place for Life. 

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 02 Dale Larson $25.00
Sep 07 Vicki Simison Undisclosed amount
Sep 07 Wesley Hicks Undisclosed amount