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Help Audrey raise money

For participating in Free To Fly

My Story…

Once again, I am participating in a 5k against domestic violence with the cast of Completely Crazy. This is Year 6 for us and we're hoping to break records and help our community. This year has been a wild one...I've had some serious health issues that have kept me sidelined for much of the year. But the scars are fading, the bruises are healing and I'm getting used to how much white is in my hair now. I'm rebuilding my strength every day and dropping the weight I gained. I'm making my way back to 100% In light of that, I have set my fundraiser goal at $1500. If I make or surpass this goal, I will RUN the 5k. This will be my very first time running a 5k and with the help of my family, my friends and my community, I have no doubt I will get there. See you at the finish line!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 21 Mags Cater $15.00
Sep 21 Eric Gronkiewicz $25.00
Sep 21 Peter Cykana $50.00
Sep 21 Berlin Bartucci $10.00
Sep 21 Alan Moore $5.00
Sep 16 Squirrel $5.00
Sep 16 Chris Dobes $50.00
Sep 16 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 15 Keighty Simmons Undisclosed amount
Sep 15 Sara Darling $10.00