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Help Karen raise money

For participating in Sporting Life 10k - Toronto 2017

Help me raise money to send kids with cancer to #CampOoch through the #SL10K

My Story…

On December 16, 2015, the unthinkable happened - our 4 year old son was diagnosed with stage IV high risk neuroblastoma. Since that dreadful day, a lot of very scary, stressful, and overwhelming things have happened. One year on, and Thomas has endured more than I could have ever imagined: 2 bone marrow biopsies/aspirate, 2 central veinous lines inserted (CVL), 6 rounds of 'regular' chemotherapy, 1 surgery to remove his primary tumour, 1 stem cell harvest, 2 rounds of high dose chemotherapy, 2 stem cell transplants, 3 NG tubes, 12 sessions of radiation, 2 (of 5) rounds of immunotherapy, 2 (of 6) rounds of cis-Retionic acid, countless blood transfusions, morphine infusions, injections, dressing changes, antibiotics and pokes and prods. To say this kid has been a Trooper, is an understatement. He continues to roll with the punches, and I'm trying my best to follow his lead and live each day in the present; not what was, or what could be, but what is now. And right now, he is a happy 5 year old boy, who just wants to be a kid. This is where Camp Ooch comes in. They have the most incredible combination of staff, nurses, and volunteers that have managed to create a safe place and environment for both Thomas and our family. Thomas went for his third full day with Camp Ooch Downtown this past month, and he strutted in there like it was his second home. He had only been there a few times before, had never met most of the staff, and had never met any of the kids. But he walked in there with his head held high, and never looked back. Why? Because it’s Ooch. In Thomas’s brain, Ooch has become synonymous with fun and safe, and a space that he can trust. The beauty of Ooch is that they see the world through the eyes of Thomas. There’s no rock wall too high, or craft too messy, or game too long, to make these kids happy. Thomas has been to school less than 10 days since his diagnosis, and Ooch gives him that sense of belonging and friendship that he hasn’t been able to get anywhere else. That being said, I’ll be participating again in the Sporting Life 10K run on May 14th, in support of Camp Oochigeas. Why am I doing it? Because I will do anything, for anyone, who treats my son like their equal, who can make him smile by just being in the room, and who will push him and teach him that there’s no ceiling to his abilities. So please, consider joining our team, Thomas’s Troopers, for what is sure to be another amazing race on May 14th. Last year, with your generosity, we raised an incredible $27,486, which sent over 15 kids to overnight camp for a week! This year, our goal is to raise $7,000 to send another 4 kids to camp this year - one of which, will be Thomas for two weeks of day camp!


Help send kids affected by cancer to Camp Ooch!

Camp Oochigeas (Ooch) provides children with and affected by childhood cancer with what they need most – the chance to be a kid. Ooch is the only residential camp in Ontario to offer on-site IV chemotherapy and blood transfusions providing access to campers in active treatment the friendship and fun of Camp. Operating 365 days a year, Ooch offers programs at a residential camp in Muskoka, at the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), three other regional cancer centres and at Ooch Downtown in the heart of Toronto.

As a registered charity that receives no government funding, Ooch relies exclusively on the generous support of fundraisers, individual and corporate donors like you.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Feb 13 Christine McCullough $50.00
Feb 10 Ruxandra Petolescu $50.00
Feb 10 Maryam Salehabadi $50.00
Feb 10 Tyler Schroer $50.00
Feb 10 Kieu Tran Undisclosed amount
Feb 10 Barbara Vaclavik $125.00
Feb 10 Tony & Sandra Arnold $250.00
Feb 09 Lee-Anne Black $125.00
Feb 08 Stacey Hudson $50.00
Feb 08 Anonymous XO $250.00