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MOVE Adapted Fitness & Rehabilitation Society BC

Raise money for MOVE Adapted Fitness & Rehabilitation Society BC

MOVE Adapted Fitness and Rehabilitation Society of B.C. is dedicated to providing a gym facility that is open to all persons that are marginalized by a physical disability, spinal cord injury, stroke, Parkinson, MS, brain injured and others. We set individual programs and our Therapist and volunteers are trained to work with all levels using specialized gym equipment. MOVE provides the opportunity to attain to the best of ones ability a healthy quality of life.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Aug 21 Bill and Shelley Jaffe CA$100.00
Aug 20 Allan & Allison Akizuki What a wonderful cause! Good luck, Erin. Love you! ❤️?❤️ CA$50.00
Aug 18 Anonymous CA$50.00
Aug 16 Bob MacDonald With thanks for a great gym and the amazing volunteers at MOVE! CA$100.00
Aug 15 Julie Termuende Proud of you Tania. You go girl!! Undisclosed amount
Aug 07 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Aug 04 John Termuende CA$100.00
Jul 28 Laura McCloskey Good luck Tandia! Undisclosed amount
Jul 19 Heidi Hermanski Go Laura!!!! You are inspiring! Running for and supporting others with disabilities! Undisclosed amount
Jun 28 Michel Verville Go Alannah go - from both of us. CA$50.00