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Pathways Foundation

Raise money for Pathways Foundation

Pathways to Independence Ottawa,  specializes in supporting individuals with Acquired Brain Injury.   We offer a range of service to meet the needs of individuals looking to continue their rehabilitation goals while being an active member of their community and maintaining  their quality of life.

These services include

24 Hour Supported Homes
Supported Independent Living
Outreach Services
Day Programs
Volunteer and employment supports

Please call 233-3322 for details


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 04 Patrick Carrey CA$100.00
May 02 Jean-François Couvrette Bon courage Marco, j'espère qu'on se reverra bientôt! CA$20.00
May 02 Glenn Pitcher CA$100.00
May 02 JP Bigras CA$25.00
May 01 Geneviève Boulanger Bonne chance et bon courage! CA$20.00
May 01 Joey Lapierre-Deroy Undisclosed amount
May 01 Amie Renaud Bon courage à toi et ta famille et félicitation pour apporter de l'attention aux maladies du cerveau (je travaille dans ce domaine). CA$25.00
May 01 Jean-François Fortin CA$25.00
Apr 27 Uncle Rod and Aunt Sandy Go Team Retirement! Paige you are an inspiration, you keep going girl! CA$100.00
Apr 26 Laurie McLeod CA$20.00