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Hope & Happiness Wellness Services

Raise money for Hope & Happiness Wellness Services


1) Addresses Root Causes, NOT Just the Symptoms

A growing number of addiction authorities see bullying, drug abuse, overeating and other serious "bad habits" as the signs of a child in emotional crisis and pain. Thus these are the symptoms of a deeper problem, not the cause.

Our programs address key issues at the root of all destructive habits. The program shifts the focus from "fighting or controlling" these behaviours to changing how we see ourselves and taking control of our lives.

At the same time, it gives kids specific tools to address their behaviours, while also giving them the support they need to make lasting changes.

2) Relevant for ALL Behaviours, Beliefs and Cultures

The assemblies and workshops don't just deal with smoking, bullying, drinking, or drugs. They deal with ALL destructive behaviors, because they share the same roots.

The program also aligns with all religious, indigenous and secular belief systems, and resonates with kids from any cultural background.

3) Covers MANY Topics of Importance to Schools

Many schools bring in different speakers to talk on key issues such as character education, self-esteem, healthy choices, physical education, bullying, substance abuse, and other addictions.

Because our programs deal with the root causes of all addictions and destructive behaviours – and ways to create healthier habits – it covers all of these topics in its keynote presentation, workshops and program.

4) Empowers Kids, Instead of Dis-Empowering Them

Some speakers leave students (as well as teachers and staff) feeling that there's "nothing they can do." In other words, because of upbringing, conditions at home, social situations or genetics, kids are essentially powerless to change.

Hope and Happiness Wellness Services teaches that regardless of what happened to us in the past or what is happening to us right now, we have the power to change our interpretation of our experiences and take control of our future. It shows kids how to make different choices, step by step, in a positive, empowering atmosphere with a group around them to provide support. 

5) Speaks to Kids as Equals, NOT From Authority, Threat or Punishment

One common approach with students is to give them loads of information and to try to scare them out of experimenting with dangerous, unacceptable or illegal behaviors. Speakers who use these methods have great intentions, but often don’t get through to kids – and therefore don't have the impact you want in terms of results.

These methods can fail for two important reasons:
The more energy we give explaining to kids why they should not do something, the more they become curious about doing so. The kids who most need the help are simply not open to hearing the message.

Prior to any child becoming consistently engaged in destructive behaviours, he or she first decided that something was “wrong” with them. (This is one of the core beliefs underneath the low self-esteem and inner pain experienced by many of those who are addicted.) "Authority figures" only reinforce this belief. Kids with problems are angry and alienated from authority – and will immediately rebel against any help offered from that direction.

We take a different approach. Instead, we connect with kids on their level by letting them know that he has been where they are, and that he is no better or different. 

Because students can identify with our facilitators' experiences, they don’t feel judged. They also feel safe enough to attend his follow-up program and accept help.

6) Four Program Elements Help Kids on Four Different Levels

Our initial keynote presentation opens kids' eyes to the power of choice. How their choices can lead to harmful behaviours (and the impact these can have), and how we can make new choices that are more empowering. 

After the keynote, some kids will want to attend the first workshop because they are facing personal challenges of their own. In this session, called Habit Mastery Tools and Tips Q & A, they learn more about what causes destructive behaviors and are taught ways to take control of their lives.

Some students who attend the first workshop realize they need more support to deal with their problems. They can then attend the second workshop, the Habit Mastery Team Leadership Workshop. Here they begin accepting structure and accountability around their habits and behaviours, and become part of a nurturing community they will be with for the following month.

Following this workshop, these students take part in a 4 Week Team Leadership Follow-up Program in which they learn how to support others (and be supported) in the group, let go of their victim mentality, and take more responsibility – while also monitoring and reducing their destructive habits and building healthier ones.

7) The 4 Week Follow-up Program Creates an Ongoing Community of Support

Like all of us, students are powerfully influenced by the "communities" in which they live. No matter how powerful a keynote speaker is, over time their impact will fade and kids will inevitably fall back into their old habits – habits formed and reinforced every day by the friends, families and social groups around us.

The 4 Week Follow-up Program helps kids build a new, empowering community. A community of equals focused on replacing their harmful habits with healthy ones, and supporting each other in the process. And they're there because they want to succeed.

One of the best ways to conquer destructive habits permanently is to help others by sharing what's worked for us. Therefore, once kids have experienced the benefits of the 4 Week Program, some will be motivated to help others do the same. This creates an opportunity for an ongoing program and community within the school, if desired.

8) Choice is at the Heart of the Program

All students who take part in the workshops and ongoing program are there by choice. They've recognized they need help. They begin to trust the facilitators enough to attend and share, and some continue working together because they want to see results. For many, it takes a lot of courage to be there.

Because "choice" is at the core of the program, kids are always encouraged and supported in choosing what is right for them. No pressure, scare tactics, threats or coercion are used to "motivate" them to attend. Instead, kids who don't feel absolutely clear about participating are free to leave, while only those who really want to be there are encouraged to stay.

The focus of all of our programs is also about choice: to let go of our "victim thinking," learn that behaviours are the result of our choices, and take responsibility for our lives and our future.


Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Dec 21 Jesse Topliffe $25.00
Dec 19 Tanker Jacobson $25.00
Dec 19 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Dec 18 Paul and Sylvia - completers You are a rock star! $50.00
Dec 15 Allan M Undisclosed amount
Dec 15 Marie T Monti $50.00
Dec 14 Kathy Nicholaichuk $25.00
Dec 13 beth gallas Go May $25.00
Dec 13 Marietta $20.00
Dec 12 Kim S This is a great cause and good for you for always moving! $20.00