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Help Mary raise money

For participating in 2018 Hamilton Marathon Road2Hope

My Story…

This year I will be running my first half-marathon!! But not without a cause... I will be fundraising to help improve public health in Haiti. Please consider sponsoring me to support Canadian Friends of Hôpital Albert Schweitzer (CFHAS), an organization that collaborates with Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti. This amazing charity strives to improve the health care and quality of life for the people of the Artibonite Valley in Haiti. In particular, the funds raised contribute to improving maternal and child health care needs at HAS. Every dollar counts!! Thank you in advance for your generosity and support :) Your donatations will help HAS help Haiti!!

Donate to help Mary raise money for 2018 Hamilton Marathon Road2Hope’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 15 John & Aryne So proud of you!!! Xx $52.83
Oct 15 Hollis Wealth & Novak Private Wealth Counsel Good luck Mary!! $52.83
Oct 10 Anonymous $25.00