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Help Emily raise money

For participating in Trot To The Beach 2018

My Story…

This will be my second year running Trot to the Beach. I never thought I'd be a "runner" but it's a small way to help two very important organizations in our community, The BYC provides a safe space for youth to be youth, get involved in the community, and have opportunities to advance many skills without judgement from peers or adults. Let's face it sometime youth get a bad wrap, they make mistakes and the BYC helps them LEARN from that, not put them in a box of being a 'bad kid" - those don't exist! It's a place where ALL youth can be heard, cared for and be provided with assistance no matter where they are or where they come from. The Word of Life Soup Kitchen is providing a fantastic service to our community. The volunteers extend their hearts and time, providing food and comfort to all members of the community.