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Parkinson Wellness Project

Raise money for Parkinson Wellness Project

[Parkinson Wellness Project/Canadian Donors - charged in CAD - CDN charitable tax receipt]

PWP empowers, improves function and increases quality of life for those affected by Parkinson’s through fun, safe and effective multi-disciplinary programs – with rigorous, evidence-based exercise at its core.  In the simplest of terms, PWP offers a place for a community to grow. A place for people living with Parkinson's to exercise, to share, and to be supported.


[ATTENTION: USA Participants/Donors - Different Donation Process]

For USD donations and USD charitable tax receipts please complete the following steps:

-Go to the DONATE NOW button on the main event page 

-Select Davis Phinney Foundation / USA DONORS from the dropdown box 

-Click the outlined link that will take you to the US donation platform. 

If you are a USA Growling Beaver participant, wait until after you have finalized registration and receive your USA fundraising link to complete any USD donations you would like to make.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Sep 28 David Staples $105.65
Sep 28 Don Telfer Go Suzie! Undisclosed amount
Sep 28 Anonymous $116.22
Sep 28 Elizabeth Bedford-Jones Good luck Rob!! $125.00
Sep 28 Kevin Barwin $47.54
Sep 28 Lou Montana $264.13
Sep 28 Alyssa Goodman $26.41
Sep 28 Robin Sundal Hey Brucie, stay the course! $26.41
Sep 28 Noel Zinger Have a great ride, Bru! $26.41
Sep 28 Jeff Haessler $200.00