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Help Stanley raise money

For participating in Ride-For-RMHCCF 2018

My Story…

Please help me reach my goal. My place in MCO has a new children’s hospital within a mile and the RMHCCF has a new facility right next door in Lake Nona ( I will be riding with bike group of almost 50 riders from the Lake Nona area (Nona Brew Crew) that I ride with when I am in town. Over 600 riders will participate in this ride. Your donation will help a charity that is right within my neighborhood. Your donation will help a family in need while their child is receiving treatment at the Nemours Children's Hospital which is less than a mile from my home.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 30 Robert Pearse Undisclosed amount
Sep 30 Linda Merritt $50.00
Sep 30 David Anderson $100.00
Sep 29 Stanley Clark $100.00