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Help Mary raise money

For participating in 2018 SwimBowen

My Story…

I am swimming 1000 metres to Onion Island and back for a thousand reasons. The top five inspirations are: I love my island, I love our ocean, I love a really good workout, I adore a challenge. But mostly I am swimming on July 21st 3pm from Tunstall Bay because although I am ever (ever!) so grateful for cancer treatment (lifesaving stuff), it is really, really not fun. At all. It is a full time, icky job that is impossible to imagine enduring without support. As a community we can lessen the blow for Bowen Islander's in need during active treatment through the SwimBowen Fund. Amen.


Because sometimes it takes a village to get through Cancer treatment!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 08 Madeleine Shaw CA$100.00
May 08 ross McDonald CA$100.00
May 08 Joanne Gassma You go girl!!!! CA$250.00
Apr 29 Bill and Jo-anne Retallick Way to go Mary!!!! CA$25.00
Apr 29 Mary Letson CA$25.00