P3R (Pittsburgh Three Rivers Marathon) and the Allegheny Trail Alliance (ATA) have scheduled the inaugural GAP Trail Relay for October 12-13, 2018. Organization and preparation for the GAP Relay will be done in collaboration with the ATA and its member groups.
The two-day event will challenge teams of 8 to begin the relay in Cumberland, Maryland on Friday, October 12 and cross the finish line in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Saturday, October 13 before enjoying the post-race party at South Shore Riverfront Park.
Each relay team member will receive a commemorative medal, long sleeve tech tee featuring custom artwork and swag bag including the trail’s official TrailGuide guidebook.
Event Outline
Teams of runners leap-frog each other as they run the along the Great Allegheny Passage from Cumberland, MD to Pittsburgh, PA.
- Start Friday, October 12 (Cumberland, MD)
- Teams will be divided into two groups traveling in separate vans
- Each participant will run three legs, of varying distances, with one person serving as an alternate runner to relieve an injured runner or take the place of a teammate in need of relief
- Finish Saturday, October 13 (Pittsburgh, PA)
- Post-Race Party at South Shore Riverfront Park
Individual relay leg time limits have not yet been finalized and may change the overall time allowed for completion of the relay.