June is Migraine & Headache Awareness Month!
Although we'd love to host a Miles for Migraine walk/run event in every state in June, the next best option is for us join together virtually. We've created this special virtual challenge so that we can join together as a community. Our goals are:
- Encourage activity and movement
- Spread awareness about Migraine & Headache Disease
- Fundraise for Migraine & Headache Research

A virtual walk/race is one that can be done at any location. You can walk, use the treadmill, run outside or participate in another race in your town. You can walk/run at your pace wherever you like.
Here is how the June Challenge works:
Register yourself on this site. Try and get out for some type of activity on as many days in the month of June as you can. Using the pledge page and tools we provide, fundraise by collecting donations for yourself or your team. We'll have great prizes based on the amount you fundraise.
June 10th we will be hosting a live event in Cincinnati, OH. We would love to have as many people as possible, from all around the country, join us on that day. Saturday June 10th is officially being declared "Moving for Headache Prevention Day" during our month long Migraine and Headache Awareness Month (#MHAM).
Fundraising Incentives:
Raise $35 and earn:
- Miles for Migraine t-shirt
- Miles for Migraine race bag
Raise $50 and earn:
- Miles for Migraine race finisher medal
- Miles for Migraine t-shirt
- Miles for Migraine race bag
- Brain Hat - Become a member of the Brain Hat Society!
- Miles for Migraine athletic socks
- Miles for Migraine race finisher medal
- Miles for Migraine t-shirt
- Miles for Migraine race bag
- Brain Hat - Become a member of the Brain Hat Society!
- Miles for Migraine baseball hat
- Miles for Migraine race finisher medal
- Miles for Migraine t-shirt
- Miles for Migraine race bag
- Brain Hat - Become a member of the Brain Hat Society!
- Miles for Migraine blanket
- Miles for Migraine socks or baseball hat (choose 1)
- Miles for Migraine race finisher medal
- Miles for Migraine t-shirt
- Miles for Migraine race bag
- Brain Hat - Become a member of the Brain Hat Society!
Raise $50 and become to become a member of the Brain Hat Society.
Purple - people with migraine or headache
Pink- caregivers of people with migraine or headache
Brain Hat Society Recognition
About the Brain Hat Society: People with migraine, their caregivers, and their friends and family should be recognized for their heroic efforts. Stigma imposes a huge penalty in the everyday lives of patients with migraine. It increases social isolation and causes adverse consequences to self-esteem and mood. Stigmatized diseases get less research funding, and payers are less likely to pay for the treatment of stigmatized diseases. In order to reverse the stigma of migraine we need to understand why it exists.
By wearing your brain hat, you are doing several things: joining a community of like-minded people who want real change about the perception of migraine, and other headache diseases, while also showing the public that migraine is a severe, neurological disease. In addition, you will show others that raising funds to alleviate a shortage of trained health care professionals who treat these diseases is necessary to help you and your fellow community members obtain better access to treatments. Finally, you will have fun wearing this hat to our events! Each time you achieve a new fundraising or attendance goal, you will receive an iron-on patch to add to your brain hat. So, please join the club!
Registration fees
June Virtual Challenge Closed
FreeMar 22 - Jun 29
Fundraising Letter
Directions - How to join the June Challenge!
1. Complete the registration here on RaceRoster so that we know you are a part of our challenge.
2. Set up your Pledge Page here on this website.
- Make it fun and give your event a name (here are some examples of previous team names: "Headache Healer, Team Bye-Graine, Cluster Clan, Headbangers, Spare Me the Headache!").
- Give a brief description of your event and explain why you are taking part
- Upload a picture of yourself or someone in your group.
3. Use our fundraising letter. We have included a templated fundraising letter that you can use to start reaching out to your friends, family and co-workers to ask for their support in your event. Consider writing a paragraph or two about why advocating and fundraising for migraine and headache research is so important to you.
4. Share your Pledge Page and updates event through email and social media channels.
5. Join our private Facebook group for the June Virtual Challenge and get to know others in our challenge. Encourage each other. Hear about ways folks are incorporating gentle movement into their daily routines.
6. Starting on June 1st, be sure to get outside as often as you can for as many walks, runs and hikes as you are able to.
Top teams
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The Kessel Runners$424.81 Raised$500.00 Goal |
View page |
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Head GamesRaised:$310.59 |
View page |
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Psychedelic Auras$148.90 Raised$200.00 Goal |
View page |
Top fundraisers
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Christina Porcelli$1,251.87 Raised$1,000.00 Goal |
View page for Christina |
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Kelly Thomas$398.22 Raised$300.00 Goal |
View page for Kelly |
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Kelly Amspacher$292.49 Raised$5,000.00 Goal |
View page for Kelly |
Event schedule
- Thu, May 31, 2018 12:00 AM - June Virtual Challenge begins
- Fri, June 29, 2018 11:59 PM - June Virtual Challenge ends
Contact information
- Event contact
- Katie MacDonald
- Website
- Visit website