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Help Ghislain raise money

For participating in Walk a Mile in Her Shoes Beausejour

Help me in my efforts to raise funds for a future without violence

I hope that I can count on your support as I walk a mile in HER shoes in downtown shediac to help build a new innovative facility and a new future for victims of violence in our communities. Please help me reach and surpass my goal!


On Friday October 12, 2018, I will be walking a mile in red high-heeled shoes in order to help the Beausejour Family Crisis Resource Centre build a new facility which will provide housing, hope, and innovative support services for female victims of family violence and sexual assault, along with their children, in Southeast New Brunswick. It could happen to anyone. We all have grandmothers, aunts, sisters, daughters, wives, and granddaughters. 

I am proud to support and participate in such an important event. I hope you can support me in raising money for such important work.