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Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition

Raise money for Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition

All proceeds from the DE-feet Breast Cancer 5K Run/Walk benefit DBCC’s programs that increase breast cancer awareness, promote the importance of early detection, provide access to mammograms, and provide support and resources to men and women in our local community who are newly diagnosed or facing recurrence of breast cancer.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 03 Chelsea Fitzgerald So happy to be running to support you Roxanne Sordi. You are one strong momma! $25.00
May 03 Maria Allen $100.00
May 02 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 01 Kimberly Makowski Team Rox socks it to breast cancer !!! $50.00
May 01 Helen and Fadi Damouni Bless you for your determination to kick this cancer! Run like a girl Rox! Love you! $100.00
May 01 Victoria Ferebee $25.00
May 01 Timarie Thompson Roxanne, we are so excited to participate this year.... and help YOU knock this nasty disease out! xxoo Tim, Blair and Chase $50.00
May 01 Ed Marcey $25.00
May 01 Hawkins Electric Inc. For our daughter. $100.00
Apr 30 Anonymous $25.00