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Help Paula raise money

For participating in RUN2CURE NEUROBLASTOMA 2019

My Story…

Just after Christmas 2017 I received the devastating news that the daughter of a dear friend had been diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma. Little Saskia was only 22 months old and had a brand new baby brother. Over the last 17 months Saskia has undergone extensive and aggressive treatment, and continues to fight this disease. You can read her story below. Those of you who know me, know that I am NOT a runner, but in a couple of weeks I will participate in the Run2Cure in Sydney, and will run 5km for Saskia. Please support me and help me reach my goal of $1000 (or more!) for Run2Cure Neuroblastoma.

Donate to help Paula raise money for RUN2CURE NEUROBLASTOMA 2019’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 08 Stephanie Dunstan Paulie- you are such a bloody legend! Run run run. Xxx $104.00
Feb 04 Brendan Dillon Go wifey! You can do it! $104.00