Race Kit Pick Up - Friday, we will be set up at the Pelee Island Winery Pavilion located at 20 East West Rd from 11:00am to 8:00pm. This is the finish line and luncheon location. From the West Dock (where ferry arrives), please turn right (South) less than 1k (approx 2 minutes). You will pick up your bib, shirt and luncheon wrist bands at this time. There is also Race Day Pick Up starting at 8am at the Winery till race time.
YES the Race for June 2019 is already SOLD OUT! Check out our Facebook page for people selling bibs.
Welcome to the seventh annual Pelee Island Winery Half Marathon. Canada’s most Southern Half-Marathon takes place on a remote Lake Erie Island, ending in a Winery. This exclusive event is limited to approximately 400 participants, who will enjoy the beauty of running around this pristine island, with Aid Stations and Port-A-John approximtely every 2K. The course is measured and certified, as well as timed, surfaced with a mixture of pavement, gravel, and tar and chip. Registration includes a great Wine-inspired Tech Shirt Long Sleeve Hoodie, award winning medal, bib and a ticket to the best After-Run Party in running with Wine Tasting. For more pictures and feedback about the event go to our FACEBOOK page.
2017 Results 2016 Results 2015 Results 2014 Results 2013 Results
The Pelee Island Winery Half Marathon tradition is that the shirt/hoodie and medal always has the art work of the label of a Pelee Island Winery Wine.
Bring your sweetheart, friends and family, to stay the night and enjoy the run in the morning (you'll have to stay the night because the ferry doesn't cross early enough that day to get to the Island in time for the run!) The night before there will be plenty of dinners and parties going on around the Island, of which you will be notified. You can also buy extra tickets for your guests to join you at the Winery for an extravagant luncheon starting at noon. Adults are $35 and kids under 11 years of age are $25 each. THESE TICKETS ARE LIMITED SO BUY NOW, DO NOT WAIT, LUNCHEON TICKETS SELL OUT.
RunningFlat has a NO REFUND policy.
REGISTRATION IS IN CANADIAN FUNDS so a favourable exchange rate, for our U.S. participants.
There are only approximately 420 Runners allowed in the race so BOOK NOW this race SELLS OUT Fast!
Registration fees
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
Half Marathon Closed
Online registration closed-
includes one finish line party ticket
ClosedAug 3 – Aug 4
CA$165.00Aug 4 – Dec 30
CA$175.00Dec 31 – Mar 29
CA$185.00Mar 30 – May 30
Race Kit Pick Up
Race Kit Pick Up is inside the Pelee Island Winery. Make your way over to the Winery to pick up your bib and sample some great wines!
Finish Line Luncheon Detail
The Greatest Race After Party in Running
Starting at noon or shortly there after just outside of the Finish Line in the Pelee Island Winery Pavillion
Proposed 2019 Finish line Luncheon Menu- Catered by Vernon’s Tap and Grill from Kingsville
Station #1 Assorted Wraps, Assorted Meat Tray, Assorted Fruit Tray, Assorted Veggie Trays
Station #2 Fresh Lake Erie Perch, Coleslaw, Potato Salad, Stuffed Chicken, Assorted Pita Chips and Dips
Station #3 Garden Salad, Potato Salad, Quinoa Salad, Pasta Salad, Assorted Bean Salad
Station #4 Assorted Kabobs – Pork-Chicken-Vegetarian- Grilled Asparagus –Corn on the Cob
All about Pelee Island Winery
This event would never happen without the support and committment to excellence from our naming sponsor the Pelee Island Winery.
History is predominant when one speaks of Pelee Island Winery and the vineyards on the island. The tradition of winning awards for its wines, on both a national and international level, continues since receiving a medal in 1878 in Paris. The first estate winery in Canada, Vin Villa was founded in the 1860’s and can still be seen on the island today. Vineyards on Pelee Island enjoy more heat units than Bordeaux, France due to the tempering effect of the lake that surrounds it. The extended growing season of Canada’s most southern inhabited island allows our grapes to reach their full potential and maturity. All these factors of sun, soil, climate and southern latitude sum up to help create an internationally recognized viticultural region.
Since 1982, the production facilities have been located on the mainland in Kingsville. Visitors are invited to visit our extensive retail store and take a comprehensive tour of the winemaking establishment. On the island we offer an equally exciting experience, where one can also take a tour, taste our wines in the vineyard and enjoy a barbecued lunch in the wine garden at our wine pavilion overlooking Lake Erie.
For more information: www.peleeisland.com
All About The Course
This is a very unique race, after all it is Canada's Most Southern Half Marathon and it takes place on an Island in the middle of Lake Erie bordering the United States. Epic water battles from the War of 1812 took place just off the west side of island. This half marathon goes 7/8ths around the island and ends in a huge party inside of the Pelee Island Winery!
The Course is a mixture of road top conditions. In the new course detailed below, the first 5K is paved(Tar & Chip), the next 8K is gravel on the east side of the island. The last 8K is also back to paved roads and into the winery for an epic finish.
In 2019, we will continue to reverse direction so the Start is near the Vin Villa Miniature and travels counter clockwise around the Island, ending inside the Winery. The change allows you to run the last 6Km on the west side of the island with a beautiful view of the water and a cooling prodominetly westerly wind.
There are Aid Stations approximately every 2K with a Port-A-John (with hand sanitizer), RunningFlat Fuel (Infinit) and Water. There are new chillers at every aid station to make sure the water is cold throughout the course. Also, at each Aid Station is a runners aid-kit with Vasoline and bandaids.
Explore Pelee Island
Welcome to Pelee Island, Canada's most southern inhabited Community. Here is a quick overview to get you familiarized with Pelee Island.
In 2018 we fielded a record 417 runners which translated into over 1,000 visiters to the island for the race, that includes the Runners, Families, Friends and our RunningFlat Crew!
I always say, "Pelee Island is no Vegas!" Pelee has all the basic necessities... if you're looking for extravagant things, this is not the place!
The island is 34 km around the perimeter. Over half of the Island is farmed, while 20% of the Island has been set aside for conservation. There are lots of beaches and forests, and waterfront cottages. The population fluctuates seasonally. The community has a Co-Op (519)724-2910 which serves as Post Office, Grocery Store, Gas Station & Hardware Store, and is open most days 9am-2pm.
Island Information
There is NO Bank on the island. U.S. Visitors should exchange money prior to visit, however, most businesses accept USD
There is one ATM Machine on the island at the Stonehouse. Most establishments accept major credit cards or debit, and the LCBO offers cash back with purchase.
The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) enforce the law on our Island. The office is located at 1045 West Shore Rd. and an officer can be reached by calling (519)724-2181 or 911 if it's an emergency
Medical Clinic staff and Ambulance Service are on duty on the island
The roads on Pelee are narrow, and some are gravel. Please allow enough room for bicycles and vehicles traveling in the opposite direction.
Camping is allowed ONLY IN DESIGNATED CAMPGROUNDS such as the East Park Campgrounds and The Anchor & Wheel Campgrounds
Island Dining
Stone House 1891- near West Dock with a new patio, newly opened with craft brew and hand made pizzas

Pelee has a variety of Bed and Breakfasts around the island, ranging from quaint and homey to higher end Bed & Breakfasts.
For a list of other accommodations visit the web at www.pelee.org click “enter” then, “accommodations”.
Ferry Transportation & Taxi
Traveling to Pelee Island you'll have to take the ferry from the Leamington Terminal. Each sailing is 1.5 hours and passengers with vehicles are required to be at ferry terminal 1 hour prior to sailing.
Ferry Departures (each sailing is 1.5 hours): Times may change
Leamington to Pelee Sailings
10am, 6pm
Pelee Island to Leamington Sailings
8am, 12noon, 4pm, Fri/Sunday 10:30pm
Cost for Ferry:
$7.50/adult walk-on passenger one-direction
$16.50/regular vehicle one-direction
If bringing your vehicle you must call 1-800-661-2220 in advance to reserve your vehicle within the first couple of days in March, 2018. Please check the website for the exact date you can begin calling. Be prepared to wait on the line for at least 30 minutes. It is a very busy calling day. First come first serve and spots are limited. Reservations are not required for walk-on passengers. If you do not have a vehicle, there is a taxi service Explore Pelee (519)325-8687 that can drive you to and from your destinations once on Pelee Island.
Sandusky to Pelee Sailings
Friday only, 8:30 pm, arrive 10:15 pm
Pelee Island to Sandusky Sailings
Sunday only, 6pm, arrive 7:45pm
Cost for Ferry:
$13.75/adult walk-on passenger one-direction
$30.00/regular vehicle one-direction
Taxi Services:
If you do not have a vehicle, there is a taxi service Explore Pelee(519)325-8687 that can drive you to and from your destinations once on Pelee Island. Cost is $15 flat rate for anywhere on Pelee Island for up to 3ppl, $5/person above and beyond that. Pre-booking your taxi is recommended and flexibility is appreciated, as the taxi service has 3 vehicles to service the island.
Air Transportation
There is a ferry service that we suggest you call and get your vehicle reservation before you book your lodging. 1-800-661-2220. If you do not have a vehicle, there is a taxi service Explore Pelee(519)325-8687 that can drive you to and from your destinations once on Pelee Island. There is also an international airport on Pelee to land your private plane. Pelee Island International Airport Please contact them to make arrangements for your arrival.
Pelee Attractions
Explore Pelee is a great local eco-tourism company that offers Island Motor Tours, Biking Tours, Cottage Rentals & Shuttle Service. (519)325-8687
Comfortech Bicycle Shop by West Dock. Bike Rental Costs $20/day/bike or $8/hour/bike. For other bike rental inquiries please contact (519) 724-2828.
Pelee Island Heritage Centre- a local museum with human and natural history on the island. Costs $3/person for entrance fees. Also new last year, a Kite Museum inside the Heritage Centre.
Pelee Island Winery- offers wine tours and wine tastings. Tours start at 12, 2, 4 & 6pm. (519)724-2469 for tour times, as they may vary depending on boat schedule.
Pelee Island Bird Observatory- offers guided bird walks during birding season at Fish Point Nature Reserve. As well as, environmental field trips and cottage rental. (519) 724-2829.
Pelee Island Art Works- Pelee has some art shops and a clothing store, as well as places to buy souvenirs.
Down the Lane Clothing Boutique- Women's clothing store and ice cream shop beside. Located close to west dock, great for summer wear, jewelry and gifts.
Fishing Charters- please see www.explorepelee.com in the Links section
Have Fun
Most of all this is an exotic Race on an Island in the middle of Lake Erie! So have Fun!
Event schedule
- Sat, June 1, 2019 10:00 AM - Start time
- Sat, June 1, 2019 12:00 PM - Finish line Luncheon
Contact information
- Event contact
- Chris Uszynski
- chris@runningflat.com
- Phone
- +1 519-980-5440