Help Kai Cheong raise money
For participating in 2019 Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon & 5k
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My Story…
My dear friends,
The annual fundraising walkathon of Fountain of Love and Life will be held on Sunday, 23 Jun 2019. It is an important event to raise funds to support the evangelization in Canada. Through our work, we aim at bringing God's love and hope to Chinese communities through different media.
Fountain of Love and Life (FLL) is a Catholic multi-media evangelization ministry and it was founded in 2004. FLL is also a registered charity in Canada. Apart from Toronto, we have volunteers in Vancouver, Hong Kong, and a few major North American cities. Vancouver volunteers have begun television and radio production, and we are able to reach out to the Chinese communities in North America, Asia, Australia, New Zealand and Europe.
I have participated in the Scotiabank Vancouver Half- Marathon and 5K walk 2019. Please support me and no amount is too little. I am truly grateful for your generous donation. Thank you. 陳繼昌
FLL cordially invites you to “Walk with God” by taking part in the Scotiabank Vancouver Half- Marathon and 5K walk 2019. All proceeds go to support the evangelization work of FLL in promoting the Good News. You are encouraged to invite families and friends to join, or even invite your belonging group(s) to form your own team to support this good cause.
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