Help Kathy raise money
For participating in 2019 Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon & 5k
This user is not currently accepting donations
My Story…
Hello Friends, Family and Co-Workers!
Once again, I will be participating in the Scotiabank Charity Challenge and raising funds for Cassie & Friends. I'm proud to say that my daughter Andrea, who was diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis at the age of two, is a huge supporter and Board Member of Cassie & Friends, as well as an advocate for children's arthritis. Andrea still suffers with arthritis, however, thanks to the wonderful work of the Pediatric Rheumatology Dept. at BCCH, who nurtured us through Andrea's first 18 years, Andrea lives a very active and impressive life.
Bob and I made a donation in the amount of $1,000 to Cassie & Friends and would ask that you consider assisting me in achieving my goal of $3,000. This run is their largest annual fundraiser and 100% of funds raised go to research, family support & educational events.
Please show your support by clicking the "Donate" button. All pledges will receive an official tax receipt. Thank you!!
You’re invited to join Cassie and Friends as we run and walk to raise funds for kids and families affected by Juvenile Arthritis (JA) and other rheumatic diseases in BC and across Canada.
Last year, we raised over $250,000 thanks to your dedication and hard work. For 2019, we have set the bar even higher!
We challenge you to help us raise $260,000 for life-changing research, child and parent support programs, education and advocacy.
All teammates who raise more than $50 will receive a Cassie and Friends' Running Shirt and be entered to win exciting prizes.
For more information, including volunteering and sponsorship, please email
Recent donors
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lizz kelly
Your amazing Kathy!
Eli Berrow
Way to go Grandma!!!! Keep up the good work. xoxox
Kathy & Bob MacKerricher