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Help us raise money

For participating in 2019 Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon & 5k

Our storyā€¦

In honor of our Angel Surjit Kaur Mattu , who, sadly passed away last June. Surjit was a loving Mother, Grandmother, Auntie and Friend. She had a heart of gold and carried a selfless love all her life. My mother often shared her wisdom on life with us. One thing she always taught us was, be good to others and help those in need. We hope to carry on that message as we move forward in life Please help us to raise funds for Alzheimer Society of B.C. , in the hopes to find a cure against Alzheimerā€™s disease. A horrible disease that robs people of their cherished memories and thoughts. All donations received will go towards research and study in hopes of finding a cure. It also will help provide resources and support to the families who face challenges when dealing with a loved ones Alzheimerā€™s diagnosis and journey. A challenging journey my family faced with our mothers diagnosis. So please Support this cause! Thank you to everyone who have donated !


When you participate in the Scotiabank Charity Challenge for the Alzheimer Society of B.C., the time you spend and the money you raise helps us change the conversation about dementia, the experience of living with dementia and the future for people affected by it. Participating in the challenge helps ensure people affected by dementia are not alone, by educating and mobilizing a broader community of care around them and supporting valuable research.

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Showing 1 to 7 of 7 entries

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 14 Jaswinder Mangat $25.00
May 14 Mariel Atchison $20.00
May 13 VALTEC RENOS LTD Undisclosed amount
May 13 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 13 Marsha Kearnes $25.00
Mar 24 Anonymous $25.00