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Camp Oochigeas

Raise money for Camp Oochigeas

Cancer changes a child's life.  So does Camp.  And so can you.

A diagnosis of childhood cancer is a big, scary, sudden swerve in the road, changing life in an instant. For over 35 years, Camp Ooch has offered a different path – the healing power of fun, friendship and self-confidence, and the joy of kids getting to just be kids! Often referred to as the social cure for cancer, Ooch provides programming at an overnight camp in Muskoka, at SickKids in Toronto, in specialized paediatric cancer centres and in communities across Ontario. Camp Ooch is the only overnight camp in Canada to offer onsite IV chemotherapy and blood transfusions. 

As a registered charity that receives no government funding, Ooch relies exclusively on the generous support of fundraisers, individuals and corporate donors, like you.  

Ooch changes the lives of over 1,500 kids affected by childhood cancer every year.  However, 80% of kids with cancer in Ontario still can't go to Camp.  We need your support so that every child affected by childhood cancer has the opportunity to experience the Magic of Ooch.

A $2,000 donation gives one child with cancer one week at Camp Ooch filled with magical experiences that last a lifetime.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Jun 04 John Genest $38.14
Jun 04 John Genest $38.14
Jun 04 John Genest $86.44
Jun 03 Arminder Kaur $54.24
Jun 03 Anonymous $5,000.00
Jun 03 ADP Canada Co. Matching gift of Aaron Hudson $320.34
Jun 02 Jessica Manes Love you cousin! This is amazing $27.41
Jun 02 Susan Viets Congratulations! $54.24
May 31 DIALOG raised from 50/50 fundraisers $366.31
May 30 Jeannie Catania $54.24