The GMS Queen City Marathon has grown from its humble beginnings, in 2001, to become the largest road race in Saskatchewan today. With three days of races and over 6500 participants this has truly become a must attend event for runners and walkers alike. The GMS Queen City Marathon includes a race for every pace with a marathon, half marathon, 10K, two 5K’s and a kid’s mini marathon spread throughout the second weekend in September.
Our Mission
RunRegina/Queen City Marathon Inc is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to engaging our community in running and walking experiences that promote the wellbeing of the individual and pride in our community.
Our Vision
Offering exceptional running and walking experiences for all.
Friday, September 6
University of Regina Night Owl 5K - 8:00 PM
Saturday, September 7
Mini-Marathon events - 10 AM start
Campbell & Haliburton Insurance Family 5K - 2 PM start
Sunday, September 8
GMS 42.2K Run
City of Regina 42.2K Walk
42.2K Wheelchair
Auto Gallery Subaru 21.1K Run
Sask Egg Producers 21.1K Walk
Regina Hotel Association 10K
Open Road Recreation 42.2K Team Relay
Registration fees
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
Campbell & Haliburton Insurance Family 5K (Ages 11 and over) - Sept. 7th Closed
Online registration closed-
Saturday, September 7th
Online registration closed
Online registration closed
Campbell & Haliburton Insurance Family 5K (Ages 3 - 10) - Sept. 7th Closed
Online registration closed-
Saturday, September 7th
Online registration closed
Online registration closed
Campbell & Haliburton Insurance Family 5K (Under 3 years) - No Shirt Provided - Sept. 7th Closed
Online registration closed-
Saturday, September 7th
Online registration closed
Online registration closed
GMS 42.2K Run - Sept. 8th Closed
Online registration closed-
Sunday, September 8th
Online registration closed
Online registration closed
City of Regina 42.2K Walk - Sept. 8th Closed
Online registration closed-
Sunday, September 8th
Online registration closed
Online registration closed
42.2K Wheelchair - Sept. 8th Closed
Online registration closed-
Sunday, September 8th
Online registration closed
Online registration closed
Auto Gallery Subaru 21.1K Run - Sept. 8th Closed
Online registration closed-
Sunday, September 8th
Online registration closed
Online registration closed
Sask Egg Producers 21.1K Walk - Sept. 8th Closed
Online registration closed-
Sunday, September 8th
Online registration closed
Online registration closed
Regina Hotel Association 10K - Sept. 8th Closed
Online registration closed-
Sunday, September 8th
Online registration closed
Online registration closed
Open Road Recreation 42.2K Team Relay (per person) - Sept. 8th Closed
Online registration closed-
Sunday, September 8th
Online registration closed
Online registration closed
Volunteer Now
Volunteers keep us running...and walking...and, depending how the day is going, sometimes crawling!
The GMS Queen City Marathon requires hundreds of volunteers to work in many different areas over race weekend: in the days before the race, during the race, and following the race.
Thank You for Volunteering!
Team Relay
Relay Teams
Important: Relay teams must have a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 people per team. Teams without 3 people will be disqualified.
- To sign up a relay team, each person on the team must select "42.2K Team Relay"under event options.
- You can register everyone on your team at once, or each team member can register individually.
- To register multiple team members at once, click "Add Another Team Member" after filling out each person's info.
- Please make sure to tell us the name of the relay team you are competing with when you register.
- The cost for each relay team member is per member.
Thanks for your cooperation!
Event Withdrawal Policy
Entries may not be transferred, given or sold to a third party or deferred to a future date. All fees are non-refundable.
Those racing under a false identity are not covered by event insurance and are not eligible for an official race time or any overall or age category awards. In addition, they can be disqualified and barred from entering future RunRegina events.
While it is not mandatory to inform us in advance that you are withdrawing from the race, it is most appreciated if you do let us know, as it helps us in our race weekend planning. A quick email to us at to let us know that you are withdrawing is helpful to us and we appreciate you taking the time to let us know. Please remember to tell us from which event you are withdrawing. We regret that refunds of any fees cannot be offered.
Thank you to our Sponsors
Event schedule
- Fri., September 6, 2019 11:00 a.m. - Race Package Pick Up
- Fri., September 6, 2019 11:00 a.m. - Health, Sport & Lifestyle Expo
- Sat., September 7, 2019 8:30 a.m. - Race Package Pick Up
- Sat., September 7, 2019 8:30 a.m. - Health, Sport & Lifestyle Expo
Contact information
- Event contact
- Shawn Weimer, Executive Director/Race Director
- Website
- Visit website