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Chosen Care

Raise money for Chosen Care

Every day nearly 5,000 children are in foster care within San Antonio and surrounding communities, and 50% of foster parents will quit after just a single year and 20% of adoptions fail, due to the lack of post placement support. 
Our goal: The Chosen Effect -- zero foster care disruptions and zero adoption dissolutions, meaning a family does not quit and put a child back in the system, which creates further loss and trauma.
With your help we provide healing for children who have experienced trauma from abuse and neglect, and hope for their families. 
Your gift will provide:
Trauma-informed action plan
Trauma-informed parent coaching 
Therapy from mental health providers
Peer mentoring support
We can't do this without YOU, be a Chosen CHAMPION and give today!


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Aug 28 Kourtney Goody $54.36
Aug 27 Anonymous $16.94
Aug 27 Sunshine God bless you for making a difference $27.64
Aug 27 Edwin Teeter Good luck and may God bless you $107.81
Aug 26 Yuvon Robin $107.81
Aug 26 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Aug 25 Scott Staley $27.64
Aug 24 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Aug 23 Clark Hickingbottom Undisclosed amount
Aug 19 Anonymous $27.64