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Salem Health Foundation

Raise money for Salem Health Foundation

Salem Health Hospitals & Clinics has been in the heart of the Willamette Valley since the arteries of Salem first took shape. Early and vital support from the deaconesses and community leaders made that possible. Today, it remains possible because of private philanthropic donors and sponsors like you.

As the population we serve has grown, so has the need for foundation support to advance our mission. Donor gifts make a special impact on the High Street Hustle for Heart Fund. Contributions to this fund back a number of initiatives that enhance Salem Health’s top-notch cardiovascular program.

In past years, the fund has provided patients with education materials, at-home heart monitoring equipment and emergency financial assistance. Last year, it also provided the community with more than 100 defibrillators. In addition, Salem Hospital was theonlyOregon hospital to make the Watson Health™ 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals list for 2019.

Your gifts make this kind of outstanding community outreach and exceptional patient experience possible. We make it a priority to invest and manage all gifts responsibly.Please consider joining our fundraising efforts by sponsoring or raising funds through the 2019 High Street Hustle event on October 6, 2019.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Jul 15 Janice Ladwig Undisclosed amount
Jul 12 Anonymous $11.50
Jul 06 Demi Helenius $44.25
Jul 02 Sarah Ghilarducci $11.50
Jul 02 Taylor Zerull Undisclosed amount
Jul 02 Kelly Mueller $11.50
Jun 28 Rozanne Owens $27.48
Jun 28 Jim Eustrom $27.48
Jun 26 Lani Kirby $54.10
Jun 22 Andrew Hamilton $11.50