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Take Stock in Children of Manatee

Raise money for Take Stock in Children of Manatee

Too many deserving students who want to go to college cannot, simply because they are unable to afford it. If these young, motivated students were given access to their dreams and aspirations, if someone got to them before they gave up, found a way to keep them in school, gave them a chance, or a way out, they would become productive and successful citizens.

Fortunately, someone has. Take Stock In Children is a not for profit program that helps children from low income families achieve academic and personal success through a postsecondary college scholarship and mentor program led by a local partnership of schools, businesses, agencies and individuals. As early as the 6th grade, students may be selected for the Take Stock in Children program. 

Once selected, students, along with their parent or guardian sign an agreement to remain drug-free, crime-free, maintain good grades and behavior and meet with a mentor on a weekly basis, on the school campus, during the school day.  Take Stock in Children has a 96% success rate of keeping students in school, graduating high school, attending college and entering the workforce. Each year hundreds of students apply to participate in the Take Stock in Children program, unfortunately, because of limited scholarship dollars, only 20% are selected. 

The Donate a Dollar, Launch a Scholar campaign will increase scholarship dollars that will be matched, dollar for dollar by the Florida Prepaid College Foundation, allowing us to double the impact and serve more students in Manatee County.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Feb 22 Karimu Hill-Harvey $25.00
Feb 21 Melissa Masengale $20.00
Feb 21 Juniper Landscaping $100.00
Feb 21 Samantha Bosmeny $25.00
Feb 20 Anonymous $25.00
Feb 20 Natalie Johnson $25.00
Feb 20 Alexis Barreto Enjoy $5.00
Feb 20 Harold Clarke $25.00
Feb 20 Brigid Davidson Undisclosed amount
Feb 20 Laura O'Quinn Jorge $100.00