Here are FYI’s for Turkey Recovery 4 miler on Sunday
-The race is held at Hawthorne Park 500 Ackerman Drive, Porter, IN 46304. There will be race day sign ups beginning at 8:15 am. Race day sign-up fees will be $25 cash or check.
-Race start is at 9 am Central Time (please note for those coming from Eastern Time Zone)
-Course will be on streets and bike trail. You run 2 miles out then turn around and run the same course back. There will be pink flags and signs to guide through the course. There will be NO water stations on the course if you need fluids please bring your hydration device
-Packet pick-up, race day sign-ups, food and bathrooms are located in the community center. Granola bars, water, cookies, coffee, and Gatorade will be provided after the race.
-I will be selling my old Crazy Legs Race Series t-shirts for $5 for the proceeds will go to Town of Porter.
-We do old school timing after you finish you will receive a stick. That stick represents your overall placing in the race. Please turn this stick in ASAP after you finish. There will be no awards ceremony after your finish and if you won top 3 in your age group or overall you will receive your awards once you turn your stick in,
-This race will feature "Turkey Bowling" using this 4 pound frozen turkey. Six lucky raffle winners will get a chance to bowl to win prizes. One raffle ticket will be in your goodie bag and extra tickets can be purchased for $1. The proceeds go to the Town of Porter Parks Department to purchase playground equipment. You have two shots to knock down all the plastic bowling pins. If you obtain a strike or spare you win. Bowling will begin about 10:15 am please stick around and enjoy the fun!!
-As always huge thanks to my volunteers for without them there would be no race.
Registration fees
4 mile Run Closed
Online registration closed-
$20.00Dec 21 – Nov 10
$25.00Nov 10 – Nov 29
Event schedule
- Sat, January 12, 2019 6:55 PM - live
Contact information
- Event contact
- Paul Stofko
- Website
- Visit website