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It Takes Guts

Raise money for It Takes Guts

We are the proud mamas of two very amazing, resilient kids with rare but similar conditions.  One was born prematurely and from the beginning of his life on earth has known nothing but pain.  The other was born healthy and remained that way until a viral illness drastically changed her life at nine years old. 

For the last 4 years we have we have been each other's rocks through good and bad, many surgeries, PICU stays, long admissions, walks to the healing garden, boxing matches in our kids' hospital rooms (!), coffee runs, shared lunches to avoid the cafeteria, cheering on our children's triumphs and feeling sadness in their pain.  We have found humor and laughter in times of extreme trial; it is what carries us through. We have been pushed many times to the edge and past the point that our mommy-hearts could handle.

We created It Takes Guts in hopes of raising money and awareness for rare auto immune diseases.   Our children are faced with diseases that have no cure, no current treatment, we felt scared and alone.  What we have found is that there are many others like us, and together we can make a difference.

The mission of It Takes Guts is to help others maneuver through the un-chartered waters of rare auto-immune diseases.  We fight by raising awareness and fund-raising for research aimed at a cure.  Our wish is for others to feel supported and honored in their journey, our hope is that that they find strength deep within themselves to continue to find answers. We live by the words, whatever it takes.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Aug 23 Elisa Wynne Undisclosed amount
Aug 15 Laura Platt $54.10
Aug 13 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Aug 13 Rita Walker Undisclosed amount
Aug 13 Sandra J. Garcia Undisclosed amount
Aug 02 Laura Takeda $27.48
Aug 01 Lisa Potts $54.10