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Help us raise money


Our story…

Oliver Feldman was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a rare bone disease in April 2018. This Conestoga junior endured 4 surgeries, 12 rounds of chemo and two clinical trials, all in hopes of beating this disease. The break in his primary tumor in his right humerus resulted in the amputation of his right arm. Still he was determined to keep going, sharing his smile and wit with everyone he knew, and his love of life with his family, friends and pets. Before he earned his wings in January, he told us that he never wanted anyone to have to go through what he did, and so we hope you will support research that will one day find a cure for osteosarcoma and other sarcomas. Team Oliver, and all those affected by sarcoma past, present, and future, greatly appreciate your support!

Help us raise money for Penn Medicine's Abramson Cancer Center

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 28 Matthew Loftus $50.00
May 28 Kristen Loftus $50.00
May 28 Gabriella Ferreira The Ferreiras support the Feldmans; thinking of you always! Undisclosed amount
May 27 Nancy Higgins Undisclosed amount
May 27 Earline Eck Oliver was so happy and energetic when I met him as a young boy, so to carry on his positive and giving nature is a joy! $107.79
May 26 Nancy Kimmons and John Senior $54.35
May 23 julie mclaughlin $22.28
May 22 Michelle Urzynicok $27.63
May 20 Lori Laski $107.79
May 19 Helena Englund-Sarkees Undisclosed amount