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Help Evan raise money

For participating in 2019 pride & remembrance run


Help support LGBTQ initiatives through the Pride and Remembrance Run!

100% of your gift will go towards the Pride Run’s 2019 beneficiaries. These projects and initiatives will benefit thousands of people in the community and will not happen without your support

AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT)Intimate Partner Violence Support Groups for Cis and Trans Gay Bi and Queer Men (GBQT)

Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention - (Black CAP): The NIA Project to promote health information to the African, Caribbean & Black communities in Toronto

Inside OUT LGBTQ2 Film FestivalLGBTQ Youth Film & Media Arts Accessibility initiative

The 519Doing it for Ourselves program for older LGBTQ2S adults

●  Pride and Remembrance Foundation: The Foundation’s mandate is to provide financial support to registered charities that benefit the LGBTQ2+ community.These benefits may include individual projects, services and/or activities that provide health, educational, legal, social athletic, cultural or other charitable benefits.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 01 Evan Pacht $99.72
Apr 03 Evan Pacht $154.47