Raise money for Split Between Out In Schools and LOUD Foundation
Select this charity if you wish to split your donation 50/50 between LOUD and Out In Schools.
Please note that as both organizations require a minimum of $20 for tax receipts, a minimum donation of $40 or more will be required should you want a tax receipt.
Click on a team below to make a donation.
Which way to Fountainhead?
Raised: CA$750.00
Cassels Brock
Raised: CA$750.00
Move, I'm Gay
Raised: CA$725.00
Coast Capital Savings
Raised: CA$325.00
Raised: CA$190.00
Rainbow Connection
Raised: CA$150.00
Vancouver Frontrunners
Raised: CA$110.00
Raised: CA$75.00
Moon Crew
Raised: CA$65.00
Raised: CA$40.00
Divas and Dudes
Raised: CA$25.00
Nuns On The Run
Raised: CA$25.00
Team UBC Pride
Raised: CA$25.00
Delta Social Butterflies
Raised: CA$20.00
Flying Unicorns
Raised: CA$5.00
Tantalus Labs Ltd.
Raised: CA$0.00
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
May 22 | Troy Anderson | CA$50.00 |
May 21 | Kyle Gough | CA$25.00 |
May 20 | Anonymous | CA$5.00 |
May 15 | Anonymous | CA$50.00 |
May 09 | jesica couture | CA$5.00 |
May 03 | Kate Moore | CA$50.00 |
Apr 20 | Anonymous | CA$25.00 |
Mar 29 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 28 | Bill Jaffe | CA$50.00 |
Mar 12 | Anonymous | CA$5.00 |