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Help Anya raise money

For participating in PACE FOR THE DONKEYS 5K TRAIL RUN 2019

My Story…

Friends... family... honoured colleagues! Every year, we come together to make something very special happen. We come together to help provide care to creatures that most of the world doesn't even notice. We come together to DO IT FOR THE DONKS! Last year, your generosity blew me away, so I've set an ambitious goal, and I know in my heart that together, we've got this!

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 20 Melissa Lane $50.00
Sep 20 Oleg Rakitine $25.00
Sep 20 Jennifer Visser Do it for the Donks! $100.00
Sep 20 BRENT PRETTY $25.00
Sep 20 Bryan Whyte $25.00
Sep 19 Patrick Lee Go Anya Go! $25.00
Sep 19 Robert Farquhar I'll do it for the Donks. $100.00
Sep 19 Uma Chandran Go Anya! $25.00
Sep 19 Cameron Moorehead $25.00
Sep 19 Ryna Gallardo $25.00