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Priceless Puppy Rescue Corp

Raise money for Priceless Puppy Rescue Corp

Priceless Pet Rescue is a non-profit, no-kill pet rescue operating out of multiple adoption centers known as “The Orphanage”. All animals are rescued from surrounding high-kill, high-access shelters, owner surrenders on a case-by-case basis, and other various circumstances.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 18 Leslie Riley $27.48
May 18 Debbie Roberts $27.48
May 18 Lisa Capone ❤️❤️❤️ $27.48
May 18 Sherry Reynoso $54.10
May 18 Laura Herman Thank you Shelly for all you do!! $54.10
May 18 Janie Krupela’s $107.35
May 18 Suzanne Coulson Thank you Shelley!! $27.48
May 18 Cathy & Art Boren Continue to walk the walk girl. We support you always in all your endeavors.♥️ $213.85
May 18 Jolyne Roberts $11.50
May 18 Truly Vosberg Thank you for all you do, Shelly! ❤️❤️ $22.15