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Help us raise money

For participating in 2019 Ottawa Riverkeeper 4K Swim

Our story…

We are small but mighty- just like the minnows in our waterways. With two of the youngest Riverkeeper swimmers, our family team hopes to raise awareness of the importance of young people's involvement in environmental causes, and show our joy of swimming in the Ottawa River. Support our team, and help keep our water swimmable, fishable, and drinkable.

Help us raise money for Ottawa Riverkeeper

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 13 Jill Watson Go Ellie Go!! $52.83
Jul 13 Jill Watson Go Alex Go!! $52.83
Jul 13 Papa and Donna We're proud of you Alex. Helping to improve the environment is a good cause. We love you. Papa and Donna $52.83
Jul 12 Grandma and Grandpa Mortimer So proud of you Alex and we hope your swim day will be warm and sunny. $52.83
Jul 12 Hannah van Beek For a good friend $26.41
Jun 11 Heather Mortimer $52.83