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You Are Not Alone

Raise money for You Are Not Alone

YANA (You Are Not Alone) is a registered charity available to Comox Valley families who need to travel for the medical care of a child under 19 or a pregnant mother. YANA offers accommodation and provides funding to help with expenses while families are away from home.

YANA was founded in 1986 by Sandra Williams after the financial and emotional devastation resulting from her daughter’s diagnosis of congenital heart failure and lengthy medical treatment in Vancouver. Sandra and her family committed to building an organization that ensured Comox Valley families would have the support of their community during these stressful circumstances.

YANA is proud to be the steward of Sandra’s legacy and assists with over 400 medical trips each year, reaching hundreds of children and families.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Aug 11 Teresa Goble $50.00
Aug 11 Danilla Brunel $25.00
Aug 11 Amy Beetham Happy pedalling! Leah thinks you should use a run bike like hers if you want to go really fast, but one that is very big. $50.00
Aug 11 Karen Hartley $50.00
Aug 11 Bev & Sonny Sullivan $50.00
Aug 11 Marg Hundt Go Angus Undisclosed amount
Aug 10 Lee Smith $25.00
Aug 10 Sara-Lynn Kang Go dad go! $50.00
Aug 10 Angus MacIntosh $75.00
Aug 10 Matthew McManus $50.00