Jeff Usher is the founder of Be There Dad, a non-profit organization established to enable and encourage dads to be engaged and involved in the lives of their children. Be There Dad was founded on the “power of presence” which says that when dads are present in the lives of their children in a positive way, good things happen. Be There Dad helps establish and support dads groups in elementary schools and encourages dads and dad like persons to coach LMR teams as a way to be present in the lives of boys.
He is fondly known as “Coach Jeff” because of 15 years of coaching 50 soccer and basketball teams in a faith-based recreational league. He is the author of two books, Be There Dad and Take Them by the Hand.
While he works as an attorney to make a living; supporting children by leading and guiding their dads has become his passion for life. Jeff graduated from Purdue University and Wake Forest School of Law. He has been happily married for over 35 years and has two grown children.
Jeff is a disciplined and joyful runner. Running almost every day for forty years, he has logged over 75,000 miles.