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Help Sherri raise money

For participating in GIRLFRIENDS RUN: HALF MARATHON, 10K & 6K

My Story…

Jaime Miller was a woman we all strived to be like. She was beautiful, caring, kind, giving, athletic, smart and hard-working. She was our Why Racing Marketing Director and Breast Cancer took her from us. 

Her smile lit up the room and she was a joy to work with. 

She was also always hosting creative fundraisers for various causes in our community so I'm doing this one to honor her!

If I raise $5000, I am committing to dying my hair PINK! It will be pink for a couple months! Yikes!

 If I can inspire just 100 friends to donate $50 to the Jaime Miller Cancer Compassion Fund, I will reach my goal and I'll be going PINK!

Help me do Jaime proud!


Donate to help Sherri raise money for GIRLFRIENDS RUN: HALF MARATHON, 10K & 6K’s fundraising campaign.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 12 Amanda Otto Undisclosed amount
Oct 12 Heidi Palena Thank you Sherri! Undisclosed amount
Oct 11 Katie Carbajal Urban Beauty I can’t wait to color your hair PINK when you reach this goal! $54.10
Oct 11 Beth Thank you for continuing to be a warrior for women and our community. $54.10
Oct 10 Nicolle Ableidinger Undisclosed amount
Oct 10 Jenny Pink will look good on you! Undisclosed amount
Oct 07 Jennifer Lyman $27.48
Oct 07 Anonymous $320.35
Oct 06 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Oct 06 Diane MW Budden $54.10