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Canadians Sharing Locally and Globally

Raise money for Canadians Sharing Locally and Globally

Canadians Sharing Locally and Globally is a volunteer based humanitarian organization which was established in 2013.  

We provide humanitarian service and disaster relief to the public by donating medical, nutritional and educational supplies in South India and worldwide. 

We are an entirely volunteer organization and every public dollar donated is spent directly supporting International Development in India or our Disaster Relief partners worldwide.

Our mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people through improved health care, nutrition and education by engaging the kindness of volunteers and donors within Canada and around the world.


Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Jun 13 John and Cathy Wenuk David! WOW...we're so happy to learn you are joining us this year. We look forward to meeting you in person - hopefully soon! $54.00
Jun 05 ken murray $1,000.00
Jun 04 Ken Murray Prof Corp $1,000.00
Jun 03 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 28 Cindy and Rick Love that you are doing this race virtually! $300.00
May 26 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
May 21 Cathy John Enjoy a beautiful walk in nature! Hopefully the virtual aspect makes everything easy and enjoyable! $54.00
May 21 John Cathy Yeah Mark! Give 'er maximum! At 4.5km, just think of our next climb up Mt. Yamnuska!! $54.00
May 21 Cathy John Welcome to the team, Ajay! Full circle! Now you join us in the fundraising aspect to purchase this year's medical & educational equipment! $54.00
May 21 Cathy John Go Meera GO!!! $54.00