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Help Dave raise money

For participating in Scotiabank Calgary Marathon 2020

My Story…

Hi! On May 31, I was planning on actually doing something "athletic" to raise funds for the Epilepsy Association of Calgary (EAC). That date has now been changed to July 18 and the whole event is now "virtual". This year is the 65th Anniversary of the Association so I am asking everyone I know to make an extra special "stretch" pledge of $65 to this great cause. (For some of you - and you know who you are - make that $650!) Epilepsy impacts 20,000 people in Calgary - enough to fill the Saddledome! EAC runs two great programs: Community Education and a Client Support Program - but we need funds to run both. Will you help today and make a pledge? Thanks! Dave


For the past 64 years the Epilepsy Association of Calgary has provided Community Education and Support Programs for people whose lives are touched by epilepsy. It is through the kind support of people like you that we are able to carry out our mission: to support independence, quality of life and community participation for people with and affected by epilepsy. 

Thank you for helping make a difference in the lives of 20,000 people in our city!


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 06 Greg and Julie Thanks for doing this DT!! $100.00
Jul 02 Gregory J Keogh Worthy cause! $25.00
Jul 02 Anonymous $65.65
Jan 31 Dave Tod Meet or beat my donation! $65.65