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Help Luanne raise money

For participating in Scotiabank Calgary Marathon 2020

My Story…

Being new to ARBI and loving learning with them, I am running to promote health and help bring some much needed funds to continue to do the great work we do - supporting those with acquired brain injury and those who have had a stroke. Join me and please consider sponsoring me! Thanks!


Brain injuries and strokes do not discriminate. They do not affect individuals based upon race, religion or socio-economic status. In Canada, 465 people a day suffer a brain injury (this is one person every 3 minutes), and by 2038 725,000 Canadians will be living with long-term stroke disability. Brain injuries and strokes affect YOUR family, YOUR friends and YOUR community. 

Please join us! The Scotiabank Calgary Marathon enables you to help make life better for our clients and their families. Run, walk, roll or just cheer us on – your energy and effort will yield amazing results for our clients.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 12 Anonymous $1,000.00
Mar 09 Jennifer Gurke Happy to support you, and ARBI :) Undisclosed amount
Feb 25 Kari Stone Happy to support you and ARBI, I'll be cheering you on :) $20.00