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Help Lise raise money

For participating in Tamarack Ottawa Virtual Race Weekend 2020

My Story…

I'm a member of the SPCO board of directors, and proud of the work that SPCO is doing to increase social justice in our community. Our board priority for this year is ending social isolation for seniors, a particularly tough challenge in this COVID-19 crisis. Thank you for supporting this important work. Je suis fière d'appuyer le Conseil de planification sociale d'Ottawa. En tant que membre du conseil d'administration, j'ai particulièrement à coeur nos efforts pour réduire l'isolation des personnes âgées et l'amélioration du sort des plus défavorisés. Aidez-moi à bâtir une société plus juste qui s'occupe de ceux qui en ont le plus besoin.


The SPCO is a community development organisation: We lead and support community action on issues affecting the social and economic wellbeing of Ottawa residents. Our priorities are community economic development, creating inclusion, providing access to basics, and supporting the voluntary sector. We’ve been around since 1928 and have incubated important services like United Way Ottawa, ParaTranspo, the Youth Services Bureau, the Council on Aging, the Alliance to End Homelessness, and Just Food. We are proud to include Synapcity and Youth Action Now among our sponsored organisations. Help us continue to make a difference.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 08 Anonymous $50.00
Sep 05 Myriam Bravo! Undisclosed amount
Aug 30 Howard Cohen Go Lise. $100.00
Jul 15 Ken Anderson Go Lise Go! $25.00
Jul 15 Khaled Nizami Undisclosed amount
Jul 13 Gillian Keefe $50.00