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Aidez Kim à recueillir des fonds

pour sa participation à l’événement Fin de semaine des courses D'Ottawa Tamarack 2020


Mon histoire…

PIPR has come together as a group for 12 years to show our support for the amazing Parkinson's Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital. PIPR has raised over 1.4 Million towards their collaborative novel world-leading research dedicated to helping ease the progression, and trying to solve the mystery of Parkinson's. Dr. Schlossmacher and his team are investigating a theory that could predict Parkinson's before the onset of any symptoms - now that is a game changer. Parkinson's was discovered 200 years ago, currently affects over 8,000 in Ottawa and there is no cure. During this unprecedented time where the world has a heightened appreciation for the selfless commitment from all of our Doctors, Researchers, Nurses and Caregivers it may seem unusual to be asking for your support for Parkinson's Research when so many people are suffering. Please let us help our Researchers continue their great work. Every contribution matters and means so much to those living with Parkinson's...xo


You have the power to ensure patients at The Ottawa Hospital have access to world-class care, and that research continues to break down barriers. Register for Canada’s biggest marathon weekend and Run for a Reason to support The Ottawa Hospital! Better yet, bring a team together of work colleagues, family, or friends to raise funds to support an area of The Ottawa Hospital that matters most to you. Stay tuned for exciting fundraising incentives and prizes for our Run for a Reason participants!


Donateurs récents

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
Sep 06 Anonyme 150,00 $
Sep 05 Richard and Catherine Elsmore Great work! Happy to help ❤️ 100,00 $
Sep 04 Karen and David Cluff 500,00 $
Sep 04 Patricia Martin 250,00 $
Sep 04 Ryan & Victoria Clermont Best of luck on your run Team Teron! 250,00 $
Sep 04 Michael & Marlen Cowpland Great cause, great friends 100,00 $
Sep 04 Gail and Ken Hollingshead We are happy to support Parkinson's research. Great work Kim and Ross! Montant non divulgué
Sep 04 Jean Teron 10 000,00 $
Sep 03 Adrienne & Bruce Teron 250,00 $
Sep 03 Louisa & Chris Teron 250,00 $