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Aidez David à recueillir des fonds

pour sa participation à l’événement Fin de semaine des courses D'Ottawa Tamarack 2020


Mon histoire…

David was diagnosed with Parkinson's in January, 2014, making ours a "two neurological disease household" as Chris had been diagnosed with MS in 1995. The Ottawa Hospital is a world-leader in the search for a cure for both Parkinson's and MS and Chris and David have active participants on both fronts. Our fund-raising efforts for Parkinson's Disease are conducted thorough PIPR -- Partners Investing in Parkinson's Research. Ottawa Hospital researchers combine funds raised by PIPR with other sources, such as the Michael J. Fox Foundation, in conducting large-scale, path-breaking science in the search for causes of PD and ultimately a cure. We are proud to be a part of the process and deeply grateful to friends and relatives who support our efforts.


You have the power to ensure patients at The Ottawa Hospital have access to world-class care, and that research continues to break down barriers. Register for Canada’s biggest marathon weekend and Run for a Reason to support The Ottawa Hospital! Better yet, bring a team together of work colleagues, family, or friends to raise funds to support an area of The Ottawa Hospital that matters most to you. Stay tuned for exciting fundraising incentives and prizes for our Run for a Reason participants!


Donateurs récents

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
Sep 04 May Raad 50,00 $
Aug 24 Diana Ralph & Jean Hanson Glad you invited us to help on this important initiative. 100,00 $
Aug 20 Anonyme 50,00 $
Aug 19 Anonyme Montant non divulgué
Aug 08 Anonyme 100,00 $
Aug 07 Sheung Ling Suen Congrats to Christine and David Lewis for participating in the fundraising and the virtual race. 100,00 $
Aug 06 Karol & Peter Walpole Let's hope this can make a difference 500,00 $
Aug 05 Ian This is a great cause. 100,00 $
Aug 04 Wendy Myers and Brian Foody Montant non divulgué
Apr 16 David Lewis 500,00 $