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Help Audrey raise money

For participating in 10th Annual Santa Cruz 5k & 10k

Help me raise money to support Walnut Avenue Family & Women's Center of Santa Cruz

Walnut Avenue Family & Women's Center is a public benefit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for women, children, and families in Santa Cruz County for 85 years. They provide strengths-based, supportive programs in childcare, youth development, parenting, domestic violence awareness & prevention, and advocacy. Many of the families participating in Walnut Avenue programs are from under-served populations due to poverty, early pregnancy, homelessness and/or domestic violence. Walnut Avenue seeks to improve the economic, physical, and emotional well-being of all the families they serve.


I am participating in She.Is.Beautiful to support Walnut Avenue Family & Women's Center of Santa Cruz. Help me raise money for this great cause.  

  • $10,000 provides over 250 hours of high quality early childhood education & care for children from families dealing with teen pregnancy, drugs, alcohol and/or violence.
  • $5,000 provides over 30 women with counseling, support groups and job searches.

  • $2,500 provides 30-40 community volunteers with training to work with domestic violence survivors and youth.

  • $1000 provides 30 children in our Early Childhood Education program with new books for a year.

  • $500 sponsors a Life Skills Workshop at a local group home.

  • $250 provides a week’s worth of supplemental groceries for 60 families.

  • $100 provides a week of formula & diapers for infants of teen parents who are striving to graduate from high school.

  • $50 provides safe children’s programs while their parents receives services or attends one of our groups.

Join me in helping to end the circle of violence.


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Mar 09 Belinda Figueroa You are amazing!! $32.80
Mar 05 Kai Sharp Love you mom :) Undisclosed amount
Mar 05 Angelina Valdez $54.10
Mar 04 Anonymous $107.35