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Help Jessica raise money

For participating in 2020 Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon & 5K

My Story…

I was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2014, and joined the Canadian Celiac Association British Columbia in 2015 as a Board Member. I have enjoyed my time on the Board of Directors immensely, and was nominated as President in 2020. While COVID-19 has brought about uncertain times, we have an interesting opportunity to host our run "virtually" this year. My hope is that this will allow runners across British Columbia to join our team, whereas the event has historically been restricted to Lower Mainland residents. I hope everyone enjoys their run from their own neighbourhood, and stays safe!


Join us for this special “fun”-raising experience! Run, walk, donate or volunteer. Together we can fund research and support those who need to follow the gluten-free lifestyle for health.  All you need is a passion for helping people to unite us as a team. "Running Gluten-Free" carries us over the finish line!

By joining us, you'll receive training and fundraising tools, team t-shirts, photos, and great prizes. Raise donations over $200 and we will refund $30 of your registration fee. Set-up a fundraising account and receive a wonderful gift bag from our partners!

Reserve your spot today! Questions contact


Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 13 The Hulans Happy birthday Jess, what a great idea for a gift! Undisclosed amount
Feb 09 Jessica Mooney $50.00